Cao svima! With all of the excitement surrounding the Zbog Tebe launch, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how Balkan Bred even started. I’d definitely recommend listening to the first episode of our podcast HERE, where I go over the entire story. Like most good stories, it’s a
Cao svima! My name’s Emina Pelja and for whatever reason that may have brought you here, thank you for being here. I started Balkan Bred in March 2018 with absolutely NO expectations in mind, and here we are. The purpose of this post is to tell you a little bit
It’s time we go real deep. Exciting things are happening, including the release of our second podcast episode. If you missed the first one, click HERE to listen to our founder, Emina Pelja, talk about how she started Balkan Bred. In this episode, we have a special guest star, Zerina