
  Where I’m From: Kalesija, Bosnia and Herzegovina Current Hometown: Detroit, MI Favorite Balkan Song: “Oce Moj” by Sinan Sakic  Favorite Balkan Dish: Krompiruša 1. Can you start off by telling us a little bit more about yourself?  As a Bosniak, I feel like all of our stories matter. We

  Where I’m From: Novi Travnik, Bosnia Current Hometown: Miami, FL Favorite Balkan Song: Zemlja Ljubavi by Nedeljko Bajic Baja Favorite Balkan Dish: Maslenica 1. Can you start off by telling us a little bit more about yourself? Where are you originally from and where are you currently living? I

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Where I’m From: Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Current Hometown: Waterloo, Iowa Favorite Balkan Song: Luda Devojko – Mile Kitic Favorite Balkan Dish: Tikvenjaca 1. Can you start off by telling us a little bit more about yourself? Where are you originally from and where are you currently living? My dad was

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