
  Based out of the Netherlands, Charity: Bosnian Kids is a nonprofit that provides school lunches for children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Started in May 2018, their efforts are picking up speed as the effects of COVID-19 are felt across the globe. We chatted with Almasa Cerimovic (see above) and

10% of every Srebrenica item sold will be donated to the UK-based organization, Remembering Srebrenica, which focuses on raising genocide awareness.  

As-salamu alaikum everyone! My name is Sanela Ovnovic and I am a founder and president of a charity organization “Helping Hearts of Bosnia and Herzegovina” based in Chicago where I also reside. Where I'm From: Originally, I come from the beautiful city of Mostar. Current Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Favorite Balkan
Where I'm From: Bratunac, Bosnia and Herzegovina Current Hometown: Bowling Green, Kentucky Favorite Balkan Song: Okay so I couldn’t pick just one: "Rodjen Spreman" by Baja and "Je L’ Sarajevo Gdje Je Nekad Bilo" by Dino Merlin are my favorite two songs. Favorite Balkan Dish: My mom makes the best

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